Monday, August 23, 2010

Is there anyway you can get rid of small red spots in between the mouth and lip quickly? Please help!?

What do you mean...between the mouth and it acne..or do you have a rashIs there anyway you can get rid of small red spots in between the mouth and lip quickly? Please help!?
Do you mean cold sores?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. Type 1 is not a STD. 90% of people have been exposed to the virus and carry antibodies for it though only about 10% actually get cold sores. Flare ups can occur when you exposed to a virus with fever, too much sun, or stressed out. If this is what it is try Abreva.Is there anyway you can get rid of small red spots in between the mouth and lip quickly? Please help!?
1. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day (but don't go crazy because you can make yourself ill).

2. Dab either toothpaste, tea tree oil or whatever on yout spots before bed to dry them up - whatever works best for yout skin type.

3. Try to wear hardly any foundation, concealer or any other make-up on your skin because it will only clog them. If you absolutly have to , wear a treated product like almay and an oil free base.

4. Get fresh air! Get outside and let your skin breath.

5. Do a face mask every week. Choose one that best suits your skin type.

6. Try to keep your hair off your face and don't be tempted to tounch your skin or pick your spots. It only spreads them.

%26amp;. Eat healthily and get plenty of sleep.

9. Go to your GP and check you don;t have an intolerence to a type of food. I absolutly love cereal and couldnt stop eating and my skin was awful. Turned out I had an intolerence to wheat! Make sure you check!

10. If you have a school holiday coming up, vow to yourself to do everything you can to clear up your skin. Trust me it works if you stick to it!

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