Friday, July 23, 2010

What is the best way to prevent spots?

I use clean and clear cleansing wipes (and I still get spots!) . Is there anything better?? Oh yeah and im 13.What is the best way to prevent spots?
Don't hit puberty!What is the best way to prevent spots?
I had acne really bad and do u know what? Dont get any lotions or creams for it! The best way to completely get rid of spots is to wash your face off with hot water (as hot as you can handle) then dry it off with a clean towel, then straight after wack some cold water over your face! Report Abuse

Try washing your face every morning if it gets worse maybe see your doctor. Also wash your face before bed, to keep your face clean. Good Luck.
The best thing that you can use and does not cost that much money is witch hazel i comes in face wash-wipes and creams that you can buy in boots of super drug costs about also the simple range you can also but from them stores they are great as i use them and also help dry skin
well i am know 36 and i still get spots i try lots of different cleansing
Im about the same age as you and i have spots. I find the best way to prevent them is to drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet, try to use a moisturizing foundation (if you have to even use foundation) or one that doesn't clog up your pores, dont touch them, wash your face twice a day with- well, whatever product works best for you i guess! Try one about a month or two and see if your spots go down and use a different product in the same way over the next few months to see which one does work best for you! Simple! Well, not that simple but trust me, it works!
Teenagers often get spots. Junk food, things like chocolate and greasy foods, can often cause sopts.
keep your hand off your face in skwl etc. so dont lean on your hands if you get me. bateria is transfered frm your hand to your skin.
wipes are really only good for taking off make-up. you should use a proper face wash and an exfoliator. Clean and clear do lots of good face washes and exfoliator (if you wanna stick with their products).

you are probably still goning to get the occasional spot, but hey thats life!!
I'll be honest ... when I was 13-15/16 I had really bad ance and it was horrid overtime it went now I have none (I'm 18 now btw)
drink plenty of water, n eat fruit n veg, plus dont touch your face with dirty hands!
get plenty of fresh air, drink lots of water, eat a good diet, avoid touching any spots you have. unfortunately hun, the main cause of your spots will be your hormones. once your hormones have settled your skin will improve
well obviously bcz ur in ur teen yrs u get spots.......wen i wz ur age,well im only 15 nw,i used to try a lot of products especially clean and clear bt none worked.........try oxy spot prevention........they r great to prevent spots and tell me if it works

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