Sunday, July 25, 2010

What is the best way you have found to get rid of spots?

i have quite a lot of spots on my forehead and i seemed to somehow, during the holidays, to have gotten rid of pretty much all of them and then suddenly they have all come back and now my forehead is horrible.

any suggestions please which you have used yourself so you know if they will work?What is the best way you have found to get rid of spots?
I have the same problem with white and red bumps on my forehead and this can be caused by clogged pores so exfoliate regularly but not with something really harsh as this will make your face red and very dry. Do not touch your spots as this will inflame them and if you have a fringe then it clip it back off your forehead as much as you can. Ive tried toothpaste, sudocrem etc. and these didnt seem to work for me, I recommend just having good skincare regime that contains tee tree (which kills spot-causing bacteria) and soothing ingredients and products specifically for problem skin. Even if the spots dont dissapear right away, a good skincare regime will help your skin hugely in the long run. xWhat is the best way you have found to get rid of spots?
I consider STRONGLY visiting your doctor and perhaps even a dermatologist. do this as soon as possible because leave it too long and they'll turn to scars when the spots have gone. Which leads me to an important point DON'T touch your spots don't go anywhere near them. i know its tempting but they'll dissapear quicker and there's a smaller chance of scarring . most home remedies and over the counter products are useless. Im currently on a very strong drug for my acne which is working wonders. i would suggest the same. x
A healthy diet and regular exercise is the best way to get rid of them. Just take care of yourself for bit.

I bet during your hols you've been eating better and doing more light exercise - just moving around more - than you do normally.

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