I went on vacation last week and got sunburn on my shoulders. they don't hurt anymore but they started to peel. now i'm left with lighter colored shoulders than my arms.
how can i fix this?How do I get rid of sunburn spots?
I had a problem like that after going to camp last summer... I was outside for hours a day in Tennessee heat and humidity... anyhow, my shoulders peeled and left big splotchy white spots there and on my upper back. I couldn't find any way to get rid of them so I just wore my hair down a lot and kept covered. Now, a year and another camp later, they're gone. They faded, but for a long time, there really wasn't much I could do about it... Hope you can find a way better than I did!!! =/How do I get rid of sunburn spots?
go outside in the sun again for a couple of hours with a bathing suit top on this time and tan the rest of you
after a few more days the tan will get lighter and lighter every day - then the tan/no tan lines will look less different
Go to a tanning bed, or go get a spray tan at a tanning place.
Hi -
I hate to say - that is skin damage. It may fade over time, but if you continue to do that to your skin, you could actually wind up with permanent hypopigmentation (lack of color in the skin), or even the opposite, hyperpigmentation (sun spots and darkening of the skin).
The sun as it is now is extremely damaging to the skin though a tan looks nice. Skin cancer is up drastically, even amoung 20 something men and women. My suggestion is use sunblock!
apply 1 spoon raw milk+4-6 drops of lemon juice+half spoon honey to the arms daily for 30 minutes.u will find the change in colour of your arms.they become light coloured
they sunburn will start to peel, and then once it is done the skin will heal and look brandnew!!
Use a spray on tanner.
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